Happy New year


It includes some concept, story synopsis, boards and other relevant stuff that will be updated as the project comes along! Hope you dig it, and throw me/us some feedback if you fell like it!

Meian teaser from Mark Kjærgaard on Vimeo.
This is a small preview from the project I'm working on at the moment. It's called Meian and is directed by Maremi Watanabe who is currently a student at The Danish film school. The animation is due friday, and there will most likely soon be more of my shots uploaded to the blog. Hope you like though it's not finished and in the right format.08.09.2010
Bachelor project

Story concept-art!
Project Quadruped!
So, finally some 3D animation for you to look at. This is a school assignment called project quadruped, and it's a collaboration with the CGA line on our school. We where teamed up in groups of two, one from each line, then the CGA's created the character, we animated it, and last but not least the CGA's went over the scene once again putting on lights, special effects and loads of other stuff to integrate the animation to the picture that is our background . My partner on this project is Thorvaldur S. Gunnarsson and I will highly recommend you to go check out his blog because he's really talented as you see. http://thorvaldurgunnarsson.blogspot.com/
Concept for story idea!

Stills from Void Of Light.

Our team consisted of:
Kristoffer W. Mikkelsen - animator (http://kristofferwmikkelsen.blogspot.com/)
Who i have to mention once agian for coloring the lightsource in my scene (the yellow niceness in the stills above)
Touraj Khosravi - animator (http://tourajkhosravi.blogspot.com/)
Malte Burup - CG Artist (http://malteburup.blogspot.com/)
Magnus Myralf - CG Artist (http://myralf.blogspot.com/)
Ágúst Freyr Kristinsson - CG Artist (http://agustfreyr.blogspot.com/)
All really nice and talented people, so check out what they're up to.

Lintest for animation jam (Void Of Light) from Mark Kjærgaard on Vimeo.
Before our christmas holiday we had an animation jam along with our brother bachelor line the CG artists. It was one week of very intense work, since we had to come up with the story and do the entire production in five days. This is a takeout of the animation i did in that week. We didn't really do any clean-up since i had to paint the whole thing over afterwards. I have to give my credits to Kristoffer W. Mikkelsen (http://kristofferwmikkelsen.blogspot.com/) who animated the white light source that's twirling around the character, and BTW did some other amazing stuff on the jam(so check out his blog, and see for yourself)!