Hi Mark! Thanks for your nice words on my blog. I really like your style, your sketches, and your strange characters. It's really inspiring. Thanks for passing on my blog, I will visit yours often. Hope you enjoyed your internship at Studio Soi, I really love their stuff!
I'm a 26 year old development artist and character animator, recently graduated from TAW, and completed internship at Studio Soi. I'm now looking for freelance job and regular hire.
Any request/questions are most welcome, and can be directed to:
Phonenumber: +45 30 11 19 13
Awesome stuff
SvarSletHi Mark!
SvarSletThanks for your nice words on my blog. I really like your style, your sketches, and your strange characters. It's really inspiring. Thanks for passing on my blog, I will visit yours often.
Hope you enjoyed your internship at Studio Soi, I really love their stuff!